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KIRSCHNER American . . . . . . . 140 burrs, ALBEE ............................ . . . 137 CHILDE grasping forceps .
.. 104
bowl, k id n e y ............................. . . . 309 CUSHING f l a t ....................... . . . 134 chisel, ALEXANDER................. . . 121
round .................................... . . . 309 DOYEN .................................. . . . 137 b o n e ...................................... .. 121
solution ................................ . . . 309 spherical................................ . . . 134 BRUNETTI spine ................. .. 124
BOWLES FORD stethoscope . .........5 burrs, set of saws and ............. . . . 138 CINELLI p la s tics................... .. 223
stethoscope ......................... .........5 BUSCH umbilical cord scissors . . . . 26 COTTLE nasal p la s tic s ......... .. 223
BOWMAN discission knife . . . . . . . 180 CAAFOORD bronchus clamp . . . . . 51 FOMON ................................ .. 223
discission needles ............... . . . 181 cancellous screws ................. 153-155 FREER s e p tum ..................... .. 222
eye specu lum ....................... . . . 178 cannula, Bonn irriga ting ........... . . . 196 HIBBSbone .......................... .. 123
lachrymal probes ................. . . . 186 BUIE aspirating ................... . . . 275 HOKE .................................... .. 123
box, glass ............................. 308,309 DOUGLAS trocar a n d ........... . . . . 90 LEBSCHE ste rnum ............... .. 124
interior for needle c a s e ........ . . . 308 FRAZIER aspiration ............. . . . 171 LEXER b o n e .......................... .. 123
KONRICH f ilt e r ..................... . . . 311 FRAZIER puncture ............... . . . 171 LEXER m in i............................ .. 123
SCHIMMELBUSCH ............. . . . 311 Hamburg bu tton ed ............... . . . 196 PARTSCHbone ................... .. 121
BOYNTON needleholder ........ . . . . 96 KILLIAN w a s h ....................... . . . 219 ROLLET extirpation ............. .. 182
SCHEIE eye ......................... . . . 196 SILVER plastics ................... .. 224
swab forceps ....................... . . . . 63 SIMCOE suturing ................. . . . 196 SMITH PETERSEN............... .. 122
needleholder ’S’ TC ............. . . . . 93 Tübingen air ......................... . . . 196 STILLEb o n e .......................... . . 121
swab forceps ....................... . . . . 63 cannulated drill ........................ . . . 145 chordotome, FRAZIER............. . . 170
brace, HUDSON ..................... . . . 134 S c re w .................................... . . . 152 chuck, JACOBS, with handle .. . . 136
brain knife ............................... . . . . 16 tap for s c rew s ....................... . . . 145 cilia forceps .............................. . . 197
BRAUN cranioclast ................. . . . 305 CARMALT ROCHESTER
CINELLI chisel .......................... . . 223
decapitation hook ............... . . . 305 hemostatatic forceps ........... . . . . 46 circular saw blades ................. .. 138
SIMPSON obstetrical forceps .. 300 splinter forceps ................... . . . . 38 CITELLI punch .......................... .. 218
STADLER episiotomy scissors . . . 26 CARPENTER tonsil knife
clamp, CRAFOORD bronchus . . . . 51
tenaculum forceps ............... . . . 286 and enucleator ..................... . . . 235 COLLIN umbilical c o r d ......... . . . 303
uterine dep resso r................. . . . 289 tonsil knife and dissector . . . . . . 235 DEBAKEY Bulldog Atrauma . . . . 41
breaker, CASTROVIEJO blade . . . . 13 case, GUYON dilating,
DESJARDINS common duct . . . . 54
blade .................................... . . . . 13 complete set ....................... . . . 270 FINOCHIETTObronchial . . . .. 254
TROUTMAN CHRIS blade .. . . . . 13 needle .................................. . . . 308 GLOVER vascular atrauma .. .......41
VIRCHOW skull ................... . . . 124 SAUERBRUCH n ee d le ......... . . . 308 GRAY common duct ........... ___ 54
WOLFF plaster cast ............. . . . 108 case s te e l.................................. . . . 308 GUYON pedicle ................... . . . . 55
BREISKY speculum ................. . . . 282 suture clip s e t ....................... . . . 105 HARRINGTON bronchus . . . . . 254
broad bone plates ................... . . . 158 tracheostomy set ................. . . . 246 HERRICK p e d ic le ................. . . . 56
BROWN ADSON fo rc e p s ........ . . . . 35 CASPAR b la d e s ....................... . 80,82 KANE umbilical cord ........... . . . 303
BRUENINGS ear speculum
h o o k ...................................... . . . . 81 LAHEY bronchus ................. . . 254
pneumatic ........................... . . . 198 laminectomy spreader ......... . . . . 81 LAMBERT LOWMAN
extension tubes ................... . . . 240 lumbar vertebral speculum . . . . . 82 bone holding ....................... . . . 118
forceps tips ......................... . . . 240 retractors .............................. . 80,82 LOWMAN bone holding . . . . . . . 118
nasal cutting forceps ........... . . . 215 soft tissue spreader ............. . . . . 80 LURZ ureter .......................... .. 258
septatome ........................... . . . 221 CASTANEDA ALU spreader .. . . . 252 MAYO GUYON pedicle . . . . . . . . . 55
tongue dep ressor................. . . . 230 CASTROVIEJO blade breaker . . . . 13 MOYNIHAN .......................... . . . . 54
tonsil s n a re ........................... . . . 237 capsular forceps ................. . . . 193 PAYR stomach crushing . . . .. 266
BRUNETTI spine chisel .......... . . . 124 corneal scissors ................... . . . . 33 PRICE THOMAS bronchus .. . . . 254
BRUNNER conductor ............. . . . 100 cycldial. spatula ................. 184,185 SAROT bronchus ................. 51,255
intestinal forceps ................. . . . 263 eye specu lum ....................... . . . 179 SATINSKY anastomosis . . . . . . . 255
ligature conductor ............... . . . 100 fixation forceps ................... . . . 192 SEMB b ronchus ................... . . . 255
rib shears right ..................... . . . 249 iridectomy scissors ............. . . . . 32 STILLE p e d ic le ..................... ___ 55
BRUNS bandage scissors .
. . . . 30 keratome .............................. . . . 180 STOCKMANN penile ........... . . . 270
bone curettes ..................... 119,120 lachrymal d ila to r................... . . . 186 STRAUSS penile ................. . . . 270
BRYANT swab forceps .......... . . . . 62 marker .................................. . . . 185 tu b in g .................................... . . . . 58
BUCHWALD tongue depressor . . . 230 needleholder ....................... . . . . 97 CLAR head lamps ................... .........4
BUCK ear cu re tte s ................... . . . 201 suturing forceps ................. . . . 194 CLARK eye speculum ............. . . . 178
ear knife ............................... . . . 202 trephine .............................. . . . 196 CLEVELAND rongeu r............... . . . 109
hammer ................................ .........6 cataract needles ................... . . . 181 clip applying forceps YASARGIL .. 177
lever foreign bodies ............. . . . 204 catheter, COXETER prostate . . . . 271 clip carrier brain ........................ . . . 166
BUIE aspirating cannula ........ . . . 275 HARTMANN e a r ................. . . . 202 JONES towel ........................ ___ 59
SMITH rectal spreader ........ . . . 273 ITARDe a r ............................ . . . 202 RANEY scalp hemostasis . . . . . . 167
bulb for CLAR lamp ................. .........4 catheter metal female, male .. . . . 271 SCHAEDEL to w e l................. . . . . 59
BUMM uterine curettes ........... . . . 299 cautery, WADSWORTH TODD . . . 184 YASARGIL, aneurysma . . . 176,177
BUNGE exenteration scoops . . . . 183 cephalometer, BERTILLON .. .........7 clips, MICHEL .......................... . . . 104
BUNNELL bone hand drill .
. . . 135 CHAPUT hemostatic forceps . .......47 silver brain s u tu re ................. . . . 266
tendon s tripp e rs ................... . . . 132 CHARRIERE amputation saw . . . 133 WACHENFELDT................... . . . 104
BUNT safety n ee d le ................. . . . 105 CHEATLE steriliz. forceps . . . . . . 105 CLOWARD blades ................... . . . . 79
BURCH fixation fork ............... . . . 181 cheek retractor ..................... . . . 231 retractor ................................ . . . . 79
LISTER eye speculum ........ . . . 178 CHERON dressing forceps .. . . . . 62 spreader vertebrae ............... . . . 171
BURKE biopsy punch .............
294 CHEVALIER JACKSON forceps . . . 241 COAKLEY antrum curettes . . .
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