gouge, ALEXANDER ..................... 121
DIX and n e e d le ............................185
ELLIS foreign b o d y ..................... 182
FREER ........................................ 224
HAJEKV-shape ..........................224
HIBBS ........................................ 123
KILLIAN CLAUS V -sh ap e ...........224
LEXER ........................................ 123
PARTSCH .................................. 121
SMITH PETERSEN..................... 122
STILLE ........................................ 121
WALTON foreign b o d y ............... 182
GRADLE cilia forceps ................... 197
graduated measure ....................... 310
rulers ...............................................7
GRAEFE cataract knives ...............179
cataract spoon ............................183
cystotome .................................. 182
eye specu lum ..............................178
fixation forceps ..........................192
fo rc e p s ...........................................35
hooklets (iris) ................................68
iris forceps .......................... 186,187
scarifier ...................................... 180
strabismus h o o k s ....................... 182
TITAN strabismus hooks ...........182
GRAHAM nerve h o o k ..................... 168
grasper, polypus,
endoscopic, flexible ................... 244
GRAVE speculum vaginal .............276
speculum laser model vaginal .. 276
GRAY common duct clamp .............54
uterus hemost.forcep................. 303
corneal dissector ........................182
fixation forceps ..........................192
muscular hook ............................182
retractor ........................................ 72
SENN re tra c to r..............................69
GREVEN forceps wire bending . . . 206
grip (seizing) forceps ..................... 141
grooved director ..............................88
GROSS ear spoon and hook .........202
MAIER dressing fo rc e p s ............... 60
GRUBER ear specu la ..................... 198
guide, hand drill telescopic ...........135
guide pin .........................................143
telescopic for bone w ir e s ...........135
gum scissors .................................... 29
GUTHRIE double hoo k le ts............... 68
GUTMANN secretion scoop .........270
GUYON dilating bougies ............. 270,271
mandrel for rubber catheter . . . . 270
MAYO pedicle clamp ................... 55
pedicle c la m p ................................ 55
scle ro tom e .................................. 181
HABERER retractor m alleable .........66
plaster sp re ad e r..........................108
HAIGHT rib spreader ..................... 252
septum elevator ..........................222
CLAUS antrum punch ...............218
gouge V -shape ............................224
KOFLER punch ..........................218
HALLE curette malleable shaft . . . . 120
dura knife .................................... 170
HARTMANN speculum nasal . . . 212
TIECK speculum nasal ............... 213
HALSEY needleholders ................... 92
HALSTED micro mosquito forceps . 43
mosquito fo rc e p s ..........................43
TITAN mosquito forceps .............43
Hamburg cannula b u tton ed ...........196
hammers ........................................ 125
hammer, BABINSKY ......................... 6
BERLINER ...................................... 6
B U C K ...............................................6
COLLIN ...................................... 125
DEJERINE ...................................... 6
GERZOG ....................................125
K IR K ............................................ 125
hammer lead filled ......................... 125
LUCAE ........................................ 125
QUISLING intranasal ................. 125
slotted ........................................ 143
TAYLOR .......................................... 6
TRAUBE .......................................... 6
TROEMNER .................................... 6
WILLIGER .................................. 125
hammer with hook handle .............125
hand drill with
telescopic wire guide ................. 135
hand, lead, adult and child sizes .. 118
handle, BARTON traction .............301
battery, for laryngoscopes .............9
battery with coldlight, f. laryng ..........9
BILL tra c tio n ................................302
brain k n ife ...................................... 16
COLLIN scalpel ............................10
handle for laryngeal mirrors ...........241
handle for vein stripper ................... 89
HUBER universal ....................... 240
handle laryngeal mirrors ...............241
scalpel .......................................... 10
handle with Jacobs chuck .............136
HANK uterine dilators ................... 285
HARMTANN ear specula ...............198
HARRINGTON bronchus clamp . . . 254
retractor ........................................ 67
HARTMANN COLLIN retractor ___ 65
ear catheter ................................202
ear fo rc e p s .................................. 204
HALLE speculum nasal .............212
hemostatic forceps ..................... 42
HOFFMANN ear forceps ...........204
nasal cutting forceps ................. 217
nasal polypus forceps ...............214
tongue dep ressor....................... 230
tuning forks ................................199
WULLSTEIN ear forceps ...........204
HAUGH ear fo rc e p s ....................... 206
head bands ........................................ 4
HEANEY hysterectomy forceps . . . . 57
needleholders ..............................93
retractor ........................................ 74
HEATH ligature scissors ................. 28
RICHTER clip forceps ...............104
HEBRA chalazion cu re tte ............... 183
HEGAR dilators uterine ......... 283,284
MAYO needleholders................... 92
OLSEN needleholders ................. 95
uterus dilators ................... 283,284
clip applying forceps ................. 104
HEIFETZ brain spatula malleable . . 171
HEISS hemostatic fo rc e p s ...............48
HEISTER mouth gag ..................... 231
hemostat, CORWIN tonsil .............237
PASSOW ....................................211
HENKE tonsil elevator ...................235
HENNIG plaster spreader .............108
HERRICK pedicle clamp .................56
HESS capsular forceps ................. 193
GILL iris fo rc e p s ......................... 188
iris forceps ..................................188
HEYMANN KNIGHT nasal forceps . 215
nasal cutting forceps .................215
nasal scissors................................22
HEYWOOD SMITH pile forceps . . . 275
HIBBS bone c h is e l......................... 123
g o u g e .......................................... 123
osteotome ..................................123
HIRSCHMANN anoscope .............274
HOESEL needleholder..................... 95
HOFER pillar retractor ................... 235
HOHMANN bone le v e rs ......... 129,130
mini bone le v e r........................... 130
HOKE ch ise ls .................................. 123
HOLTH corneoscleral punch .........185
hook, ARRUGA extracting .............182
BOSE trachea s h a rp ................... 245
BRAUN decapitation .................305
CASPAR........................................ 81
CUSHING n e rv e ......................... 168
DANDY n e rv e ..............................168
EMMET fistula ........................... 296
extraction ....................................143
GRAEFE strabismus................... 182
GRAEFE TITAN strabismus ...........182
GRAHAM nerve b lu n t................. 168
GREEN muscular ....................... 182
GROSS ear and s p o o n ...............202
ITERSON tra ch ea ....................... 245
JACKSON trachea ..................... 245
JAMESON strabismus ...............182
Nail .............................................. 146
O’CONNOR iris ......................... 182
PRATT cystic ..............................274
ROSE trachea double end .........246
SACHS nerve ..............................168
SMELLIE obstetrical................... 303
SMITHWICK n e rv e ..................... 168
STEVENS lens ........................... 182
WIENER iris ................................182
h o o k le t............................................ 211
hooklets,BARBARA....................... 210
DAY ear ......................................203
FRAZIER (dura) s h a rp ................... 68
GRAEFE (iris) ................................68
GUTHRIE double ......................... 68
JOSEPH mucous ......................... 68
M cGEE ........................................ 211
WAGENER buttoned ................. 203
hooks, extension ........................... 140
hemost./common duct forceps .. 53
JOHNS serrefine ......................... 42
plaster knife ................................108
HORSLEY dura dissector .............170
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