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rongeu r........................................ 110
TOENNIS clip forceps ............... 166
wire saw ...................................... 169
OLLIER retractor ..............................72
OLSEN HEGAR needleholder .........95
osteotomes ............................ 121-123
osteotome, HIB B S ..........................123
LAMBOTTE ................................122
STILLE ........................................ 121
otoscopy set ...................................... 3
OVERHOLT periosteal ................... 128
GEISSENDOERFER forceps ___ 49
packer, LUNIATSCHEK gauze . . . . 235
parametrium scissors ..................... 24
PARHAM band ..............................118
band tightener ............................118
PARK eye speculum ..................... 179
PARKER retractor double p a ir .........64
scalpel ...........................................14
PARTSCH bone chisel ................... 121
g o u g e ...........................................121
PASSOW hemostat ....................... 211
PATON corneal dissector .............181
PAUFIQUE keratoplasty knife . . . . 181
TITAN tying forceps ................... 194
tying forceps ..............................194
PAYR baby crushing clamp ...........266
intestinal crushing clamp ...........266
ligature conductor ..................... 100
SCHMIEDEN ligature conductor . 100
PEAN hemost. forceps d e lic a te ___ 45
hemostatic forceps ..................... 47
ROCHESTER hemostatic
fo rc e p s ...........................................45
PEDERSON speculum vag ina l___ 276
PEET splinter forceps ..................... 38
PELKMANN dressing forceps .........62
pelvimeter, COLLIN ....................... 303
COLLYER.................................... 303
MARTIN ...................................... 303
PENFIELD dissectors ................... 170
PENNINGTON hemostatic forceps .4 6
PERCY retractor for amputation . . 1 3 3
perforator, finger nail ..................... 133
SMELLIE .................................... 305
periosteal, ALEXANDER ............... 126
DOYEN costal ............................127
FARABEUF.................................. 126
LAMBOTTE ................................126
MATSON .................................... 128
MATSON ALEXANDER .............128
OVERHOLT ................................128
SEDILLOT .................................. 126
SEMB costal ..............................127
WILLIGER .................................. 126
PERTHES reamer ..........................138
PESTALOZZA abortion curette . . . 304
PETRI dish ...................................... 310
PHANEUF peritoneum forceps ___ 56
pick ................................................. 211
PIERCE antrum trocar ..................... 90
PIFFARD lupus cu re tte s ................. 306
pin, g u id e .........................................143
STEINMANN ..............................139
PINARD stethoscopes....................... 5
PIPER obstetrical forceps .............302
PITHA mouth p r o p ..........................234
plaster shears ..................................30
plaster spatula ..................................89
plaster sp readers............................108
P la te ..................................151,156,161
plate, angular, b o n e ....................... 160
plate broad, b o n e ........................... 158
condylar ...................................... 159
plate fin g e r...................................... 162
JAEGER l i d ..................................179
McLAUGHLIN, fe m u r .................149
plate mini finger ..............................163
plate mini fragment ....................... 163
plate mini ........................................ 162
plate narrow, b o n e ......................... 157
SHERMAN bone ....................... 164
skin straightening......................... 15
SMITH PETERSEN, b o n e ...........149
PLESTER flap knife ....................... 210
retractors ...................................... 76
pliers, flat n o s e ................................141
POLITZER air bag ..........................201
paracentese needle ................... 202
polypus g ra spe r..............................244
POOLE aspiration tube ..................... 8
post mortem s e t ..............................124
vascular scissors ..........................23
SMITH fo rc e p s ..............................34
SMITH vascular scissors .............24
powder blower KABIERSKE . 200,201
PRATT cystic hook ....................... 274
hemostatic forceps ..................... 47
rectal speculum ......................... 272
vulsellum fo rc e p s ....................... 287
preparation scissors ....................... 26
PRICE THOMAS bronchus clamp . 254
PRINCE muscular fo rc e p s .............191
tonsil scissors ..............................23
probe, BAKES gall stone ............... 257
BOWMAN lachrymal ................. 186
probe buttoned ................................88
DESJARDINS gall s to n e .............257
MAYO kidney stone ................... 258
measuring ear ............................211
MOYNIHAN gall stone ...............257
probe myrtle leaf ..............................88
OCHSNER gall stone ................. 256
STACKEear .................................. 88
proctoscope, KELLY ..................... 274
prop, PITHA mouth ....................... 234
protector, ARRUGA ....................... 184
hemostatic forceps ..................... 44
pudendus, needle for anesthesia . . . 91
punch, BAGGISH biopsy ...............295
BEYER ........................................ 218
BURKE biopsy ........................... 294
CITELLI ...................................... 218
COLCLOUGH ............................175
EPPENDORFERbiopsy . . . 295,296
HAJEK CLAUS a n trum ...............218
HAJEKKOFLER ......................... 218
HOLTH corneoscleral.................185
KERRISON ..................................218
KEVORKIAN Pacific biopsy ___ 294
KEYES ........................................ 306
TOWNSEND mini ............... 294,295
TOWNSEND oval bite ...............294
MORGAN ....................................294
PUTTI bone rasp ........................... 132
QUINBY gum s c isso rs ..................... 29
QUIRE lever foreign bodies ...........204
QUISLING hammer intranasal ___ 125
RADOLF nail extracting forceps .. 133
RALK bone hand drill ..................... 135
RAMPLEY swab forceps ................. 61
RANDALL aspirating curette .........290
kidney stone forceps .................258
RANEY applying and removing
fo rc e p s ........................................ 167
scalp hemostasis c l i p ................. 167
rasp, AUFRICHT n a s a l................... 224
b o n e ............................................ 132
FOMON na sa l..............................225
GALLAHER antrum fig ...............226
JOSEPH (LEWIS) nasal .............225
MALTZ (COTTLE) nasal .............225
PUTTI bone ................................ 132
WIENER (AUFRICHT) nasal . . . . 225
WIENER antrum ......................... 225
razor blade for microsurgery ...........13
razor knife ........................................ 16
reamer f. intramedullary pins .........142
reamer, KUENTSCHER ................. 143
PERTHES s q u a re ....................... 138
reamers .......................................... 138
RECAMIER curettes u te rine ...........299
REICHERT epiglottis re tra c to r___ 239
REINER ear syringe ....................... 201
plaster knife ................................108
replacement head b a n d ..................... 4
mirror ZIEGLER ..............................4
retractors .................................... 64-86
retractor tracheal ..............................68
retractor, ADSON ..............................77
ADSONbaby ................................77
ADSON dura ..............................168
ALM .............................................. 76
AUFRICHT nasal ....................... 227
BALFOUR abdom inal................... 84
BECKMANN EATON ................... 78
BLOUNT knee ........................... 131
CASPAR.................................. 80,82
cheek Simplex ........................... 231
CLOWARD ....................................79
COLLIN abdom inal....................... 86
CORYLLOS (tho rax)..................... 75
COTTLE ......................................227
COTTLE NEIVERT ..................... 227
CR ILE ............................................ 65
CUSHING...................................... 69
DEAVER ........................................ 67
DESMARRES (eye lid )...................69
DOYEN abdom inal....................... 74
FARABEUF double pair ...............64
FINSEN ........................................76
FOMON alar ............................... 227
FOMON posterior n a re s .............227