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MERCEDES thorax spreader........ 253 MUCK knife pe rio sta l............... .. 211 needleholder, ADSON ............... .. 94
METZENBAUM fino scisso rs ........ 20 MUELLER eye specu lum ......... . . . 179 ARRUGA ................................ .. 96
needleholders ...........................
94 MURDOCK eye speculum . . . . . . . 178 BARRAQUER .......................... . . 97
scissors .................................. 20,21 MURPHY LANE elevator double .. 129 BAUMGARTNER ................... . . . 9 2
MEYERDING re tra c to r................... 70 muscle re tractors..................... ___ 87
boomerang, YOUNG ............. . . . 9 9
MEYHOEFER chalazion curette . . . 183 MUSEUX vulsellum forceps . . . . . . 287 BOYNTON .............................. . . . 9 6
MICHEL c lip s .................................. 104 MYLES nasal cutting forceps .. . . . 217 BOZEMANN ............................ . . . 9 3
clips applying forceps ............... 104 myrtle leaf probe ..................... . . . . 88 CASTROVIEJO....................... . . . 9 7
combined clip forceps ............... 104 NABATOFF handle o n ly ........... ___ 88
COLLIER ................................ . . . 9 2
mirror postrhinoscopic............... 214 olive ...................................... . . . . 88 CR ILE ...................................... . . . 9 4
micro, BELLUCCI scissors ........... 205 probe tip only ....................... . . . . 88 CRILE MURRAY..................... . . . 9 2
ear forceps .................................. 205 traction cable only ............... . . . . 88 CRILE WOOD .......................... . . . 9 2
micro fo rce p s .................................. , 39 varicous vein probe set ___ ___ 88
DEBAKEY .............................. . . . 9 3
microscissors ................... 33,205,207 NAEGELE obstetrical forceps . .. 300 DERF ...................................... . . . 9 2
micro scissors gynaecological___ 33 NAGER palate re tra c to r........... .. 235 DIETHRICH ............................ . . . 9 6
SHEA scissors ........................... 205 nail, BOEHLER......................... . . . 149 FINOCHIETTO ........................ . . . 9 4
WULLSTEIN scissors ............... 207 nail file ...................................... . . . 307 GILLIES with scissors ........... . . . 9 5
MIDDELDORPF re tracto r............... 72 nail hook .................................. . . . 146 HALSEY .................................. . . . 9 2
nail impactor/extractor ........... . . . 142 HEANEY .................................. . . . 9 3
cutting forceps ........................... 219 JEWETT ................................ . . . 150 HOESEL .................................. . . . 9 5
MIKULICZ peritoneum forceps . . . . 56 KUENTSCHER ................... 147,148 JAMISON ................................ . . . 9 3
retractor ...................................... 74 nail nipper ................................ . . . 307 JOHNSON .............................. . . . 9 4
MILLIGAN dura dissector ............. 169 nail s c is s o rs .............................. . . . 307 KALT ...................................... . . . 9 7
MILLIN bladder neck spreader . . . 269 SMITH PETERSEN............... . . . 149 KALTARRUGA ....................... . . . 9 7
capsule forceps ......................... 267 narrow p la te s ............................ . . . 157 MASSON ................................ . . . 9 3
ligature conductor ..................... 267 nasal chisel WEST ................... . . . 224 MATHIEU ................................ . . . 9 5
prostatic lobe holding forceps .. 267 nasal cutting forceps ............... . . . 217 MAYOHEGAR ........................ . . . 9 2
mini clip applying
nasal gouge WEST ................... . . . 224 METZENBAUM ..................... . . . 9 4
forceps YASARGIL..................... 177 nasal knive CONVERSE, plastics . . 220 micro ...................................... 96,97
BELLUCCI scissors ear ............. 205 COTTLE plastics ................. . . . 220 NEIVERT ................................ . . . 9 2
ear fo rc e p s ................... 206-207,209 JOSEPH ................................ . . . 220 OLSENHEGAR ..................... . . . 95
electrodes for coagulation . 314,315 olive ...................................... . . . 201 RYDER .................................... . . . 9 3
fragment plates ......................... 162 navicular Screw cannulated . . . . . . 152 SAROT .................................... . . . 9 4
scissors ...................................... 207 needle, BARBARA ................... . . . 210 STEVENS ................................ . . . 9 6
screws cross slot ....................... 153 BOWMAN discission ........... . . . 181 STRATTE ................................ . . . 9 4
WULLSTEIN scissors e a r ........... 207 needle cases ........................... . . . 308 TOENNIS ................................ . . . 9 4
miniclips,YASARGIL ............. 176,177 cataract ................................ . . . 181 WANGENSTEEN ................... . . . 93
mirror, laryngeal ............................. 241 COOPER .............................. . . . . 98 NEFF meniscotome ................... .. 131
MICHEL, postrhinoscopic ......... 214 DAVIS forceps f. syringes
NEGUS tonsil forceps ............... .. 236
mirror replacement for headmirror . . . 4 and needles ......................... . . . 105 NEIVERT COTTLE re tra c to r.
. . 227
ZIEGLER head ...........................
4 DAVIS foreign body ............. . . . 181 needleholder .......................... . . . 9 2
MIXTER baby hemostatic forceps . . 52 DESCHAMPS ligature ......... ___ 98 NELSON forceps ........................ . . . 3 7
common duct forceps ............... 54 DUPUY WEISS tonsil ........... . . . 236 ligature needle ....................... . . . 9 8
gall stone fo rc e p s ....................... 256 electrode .............................. . . . 315 trocar th o ra x ............................ . . . 9 0
needle f. pudendus anesthesia . . . . 91 nerve preparation sc isso rs ......... . . . 2 6
duct forc ...................................... 53 foreign b o d y .......................... . . . 181 nipper, cuticle ............................ . . 307
hemosratic and bonchus forceps . 52 FRANCIS foreign b o d y ......... . . . 181 DIETER malleus ..................... .. 206
O’SHAUGNESSY forceps ........ 53 FRANKLIN SILVERMANN .. . . . . 91 nail .......................................... .. 307
MOELTGEN goniometer ...............
7 intestinal suture ................... . . . 103 TURNBULL nail ..................... .. 307
MOLLISON sp reade r..................... . 79 KEITH suture ....................... . . . 103 NORTHBENT (SPENCER)
MOORE bone hand drill ................. 134 KOENIG suture fish hook . . . . . . 103 ligature scissors ..................... . . . 2 8
gall stone s c o o p ......................... 256 KRONECKER ....................... . . . . 98 NOTO uterus polypus forceps .. . . 288
STAUDE tenaculum forceps . . . 286 LEVINSON foreign body . . . . . . . 181 NOVAK aspiration curette ......... .. 290
MOORFIELD suture forceps ........ 194 LICHTWITZ antrum ............. . . . 219 NOYES iris s c is s o rs ................... . . . 3 2
mouth, DAVIS BOYLE g a g ............. 232 lumbar pun c tu re ................... . . . . 91 nasal polypus forceps ........... .. 215
DENHARTgag ........................... 231 MENGHINI liver puncture . . . . . . . 91 nut for corticalis s c re w s ............. .. 155
DOYEN JANSEN (MOLT) gag .. 231 MENGHINI trocar
O’CONNOR iris h o o k ................. .. 182
HEISTER gag ............................. 231 for 2nd penetration............... . . . . 91 O’SULLIVAN O’CONNOR
JENNINGS gag ......................... 232 NELSON ligature ................. . . . . 98 abdominal retractor ............... . . . 8 3
KILNER DOUGHTY gag ............. 233 POLITZER paracentese . . . . . . . 202 OCHSNER gall stone probe . . . . .. 256
MclVORg a g ............................... 233 REVERDIN liga tu re ............... . . . . 99 ROCHESTER
ROSER KOENIG gag ................. 231 ROSEN .................................. . . . 211 hemostatic forceps ............... . . . 4 5
SEEMANN SEIFFERT gag ........ 232 suture .................................. 102,103 trocar th o ra x ............................ . . . 9 0
WHITEHEAD gag ....................... 232 tonsil injection ..................... . . . 238 OLDBERG forceps laminectomy . . 173
MOYNIHAN c lam p ......................... 54 VERRES pneumoperitoneum . . . . 91 olive ear ...................................... .. 201
gall stone probe ......................... 257 YOUNG spare for
olive nasal .................................. . . 201
towel forceps ............................. . 59 boomerang needleholder .. .
99 OLIVECRONA brain spatula