STILLE bone cutting forceps . . . 114
hospital nurse s e t ........................... 307
HOUSE curette ............................. 211
HUBER universal handle ...............240
HUDSON brace ..............................134
HUNTER splinter fo rc e p s .................38
HURD tonsil dissector ...................235
impactor, KUENTSCHER nail . . . . 143
impactor, nail, and extractor .........142
incision scissors ..............................19
INGE spreader ve rteb rae ...............171
instrument, LAFORCE
foreign body ................................182
instrument tr a y ................................310
interior box for needlecase ...........308
intest, needles ................................ 103
IOWA vulsellum fo rc e p s .................287
iris scissors ......................................21
ISRAEL retractor ..............................73
ITARD ear catheter ....................... 202
ITERSON trachea hooks ...............245
IVES FANSLER anoscope .............274
JACKSON CHEVALIER forceps .. 241
speculum ....................................281
tampon forceps ......................... 239
tracheostomy tubes ...................246
trachea hooks ........................... 245
Jacobs chuck ................................136
JACOBS vulsellum forceps ...........287
JAEGER kera tom es....................... 180
lid p la te ........................................ 179
JAMESON strabismus forceps . . . 189
strabismus h o o k ......................... 182
JAMISON needleholders .................93
mouth gag ..................................231
forceps nasal ............................. 219
nasal forceps ..............................214
retractors ......................................76
ZAUFAL rongeur ....................... 111
ja r s .................................................. 310
JARCHO tenaculum forceps .........286
JATHO nasopharyngeal
forceps cuttin ............................. 228
JENNINGS mouth g a g ...................232
JEWETT n a il....................................150
JOBSON HORNE cotton applicator . 89
hemost./common d u c t.................53
HOPKINS serrefine ..................... 42
JOHNSON needleholder .................94
JONES towel clips ........................... 59
JOSEPH (LEWIS) nasal rasp .........225
bone file ......................................224
knife nasal ..................................220
mucous hooklet ........................... 68
nasal saws ..................................227
periosteal elevator .....................222
plastic knives ..............................220
scissors ........................................21
JUDD ALLIS forceps ..................... 259
JUERS forceps wire bend ing .........206
JURASZ laryngeal
polypus forceps ......................... 239
KABIERSKE powder blower . 200,201
KALLMORGEN retractor vaginal .. 280
speculum vaginal
KALTARRUGA needleholder .........97
capsular forceps ........................193
needleholder ................................97
KANE umbilical cord clamp ...........303
KEITH suture needles ................... 103
KELLY grip retractors ..................... 66
gynecological sc isso rs ................. 25
hemostatic forceps ..................... 45
p roctoscope................................274
RANKIN hemostatatic forceps . . . 45
retractor .................................. 66,74
TITAN hemostatic forceps ...........45
uterine polypus forceps .............288
keratome, BERENS ........................180
JAEGER ...................................... 180
KERN bone holding forceps .........115
KERRISON punch ..........................218
KEVORKIAN biopsy forceps ........ 293
curette biopsy ............................290
EPPENDORFER biopsy forceps . 296
Pacific biopsy punch ................. 294
tips, b io p s y ..................................296
TISCHLER p un che s ........... 294,295
KEY elevator ..................................128
KEYES cutaneous p u n c h ............... 306
kidney bowl .................................... 309
obstetrical fo rc e p ........................301
obstetrical forceps ..................... 300
KILLIAN CLAUS gouge V-shaped . 224
septum elevator ..........................222
septum specu lum ....................... 213
wash cannula ..............................219
KILNER DOUGHTY mouth gag . . . 233
DOUGHTY tongue depressor .. 233
scissors ........................................ 21
skin retractor ..............................306
KIRBY ARTHUR iris ........................189
KIRK hammer ................................125
KIRSCHNER abdominal retractors . 85
bow extension ............................140
bow extension American ...........140
drill guide telescopic ................. 135
ligature conductor ..................... 100
w ired rills ...................................... 139
kit, pocket
standard .................................... 105
thorax s c isso rs ..............................27
KNAPP cataract spoon ................. 183
iris knives .................................... 180
LUER trachoma fo rc e p s .............195
retractor ...................................... 182
knife, am puta tion..............................15
BALLENGER sviwel ................... 221
BARKAN goniotomy................... 181
BARRAQUER keratoplasty . . . . 181
BOWMAN discision ................... 180
BUCK e a r ....................................202
CARPENTER and enucleator,
tonsill ...........................................235
DEAN iris .................................... 180
DEUTSCHMANN cataract .........179
electrode for HF su rge ry.............315
ELSCHNIG corneal ................... 181
ESMARCH plaster ..................... 108
FREEER sep tum ..........................220
FREER mucosa ..........................220
GILL co rnea l................................ 181
GRAEFE c a ta ra c t........................179
HALLE dura ................................ 170
HOPKINS plaster ........................108
KNAPP iris .................................. 180
LANGENBECK resection .............15
LISTON amputation ..................... 15
MUCK periostal ..........................211
PAUFIQUE keratoplasty.............181
PLESTERf la p ..............................210
REINER plaster ..........................108
ROSEN circular ..........................210
SATO c o rn ea l..............................181
SCHEIE goniotomy ................... 181
SCHUKNECHT roller ................. 210
SCHUKNECHT s ic k le ................. 210
SEGOND myoma ........................296
SEXTON e a r ................................ 202
TABB sickle ................................ 210
TOOK corneal ............................181
VIRCHOW cartilage ..................... 16
WHEELER discision ................... 180
WULLSTEIN sickle ..................... 210
ZIEGLER capsulotom y...............181
ZIEGLER i r i s ................................ 180
nasal cutting forcep ................... 215
KNOWLES bandage scissors finger . 30
KOCHER bladder retractor ...........268
goitre d ire c to rs............................247
hemostatic forceps d e lic a te .........45
intestinal forceps ........................261
retractor .................................. 72,73
KOENIG ligature co n d u c to r...........100
ROSER mouth gag ..................... 231
suturing needles..........................103
KOERTE retractors ..........................73
retractors ...................................... 73
KOGAN endo speculum ...............282
KONRICH box for sterilization . . . . 311
KRAUSE forceps t i p s ..................... 240
nasal s n a re .................................. 219
snare ear p o lyp u s ........................203
retractor vaginal ................. 278-280
specula vaginal ................. 278-280
KRONECKER needle ....................... 98
KUENTSCHER extractor
f. intramed. n a il............................143
medullary reamer ........................143
nails .................................... 147,148
nail driver .................................... 143
nail impactor ..............................143
reamer femur ..............................143
KUHNT comeal scarifier ...............181
LABORDE trachea dilator .............245
LAFORCE adenotome ................... 229
foreign body instrument .............182
spare blade pe rfora ted ............... 229
Lag screw hip dynamic ................. 151
LAHEY bronchus c lam p ................. 254
common duct forceps ................. 53
goitre seizing fo rc e p s ................. 247
retractor .........................................70
3 4 4