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FINOCHIETTO, rib ..................... 250 suture clip set in metal c a s e ........... 105 TOOK corneal knife ........................ 181

FINOCHIETTO BURFORD, rib .. 251 suturing set in metal box ............... 105 TOTI drill ........................................ 137

FRAZIER .................................... . 83 SWEET clip applying fo rc e p s ......... 166 tourniquet „clip“ ...............................2

HAGLUND STILLE plaster ........ 108 syringe, MENGHINI aspiration . . . .

91 towel clamps .................................. 59

HAIGHT r i b .................................. 252 REINER ear ................................ 201 TOWNSEND KEVORKIAN

HENNIG plaster ......................... 108 tonsil .......................................... 238 punch biopsy .............................. 294

INGE vertebrae........................... 171 TABB sickle k n ife ............................ 210 mini punch .................................. 295

MERCEDES thorax ................... 253 tap for cannulated screws ............. 145 mini punch rotating ................... 294

MILLIN bladder neck ................. 269 tape m easure ..................................

7 mini tip ........................................ 294

MOLLISON.................................. . 79 TARNIER cranioclast ..................... 305 TISCHLER MORGAN

SMITH BUIE rectal ..................... 273 forceps, obstetrical ................... 302 punch biopsy .............................. 294

TUFFIER rib ................................ 252 TAYLOR hamme r............................ 6

TOYNBEE ear sp e cu la ................... 198

spud, DIX foreign body ................. 182 SCHMIEDEN dura scissors . . . .

27 tracheostomy s e t ............................

DIX and n ee d le ........................... 185 spinal re tra c to r............................ 131 tractor, LUIKART BILL ................... 302

SPURLING forceps laminectomy . 172 TEALE vulsellum forceps ............... 287 TRAUBE hammer............................ 6

St. MARTIN suture forceps ........... 194 telescopic wire g u id e ..................... 135 tray, instrument .............................. 310

STACKE ear p ro b e ......................... . 88 TERSON capsular fo rc e p s ............. 193 sterilization.................................. 312


THOMAS PRICE bronchus clamps . 254 TRELAT speculum .......................... 277

tenaculum forceps ..................... 286 THOMS ALLIS forceps ................. 259 trephine, CASTROVIEJO ............... 196

StCLAIR THOMSON curette ........ 229 GAYLOR biopsy forceps ........... 292 FRANCESCHETTI keratoplastic . 196

steel c a s e ........................................ 308 THOMSON StCLAIR curettes ___ 229 trephines, ELLIOT .......................... 197

STEINMANN pin ........................... 139 WALKER bladder re tra c to r......... 268 trocar abdominal ............................ . 90

sterilization trays sheet m e ta l........ 312 THOREK lung (thorax) scissors . . . . 27 trocar, COAKLEY a n trum ............... 90

sterilization trays wire m e s h ........... 312 THUDICHUM nasal speculum . . . . 212 FLEURANT for b la dd e r............... 90

sterilizing fo rce p s ........................... 105 TIECK HALLE nasal specu lum ___ 213 LICHTWITZ antrum ................... 90

STERNBERG lip retractor ............. 230 tightener for wiredrills ................... 140 NELSON thorax .......................... 90

stethoscope, BOWLES ................. . . 5 tightener for PARHAM band ........ 118 OCHSNER th o ra x ........................ 90

Duplex ........................................ . . 5 TILLEY ear forceps ....................... 204 UCKERMANN, tracheostomy .. 245

FORD .......................................... . . 5 tip, BRUENINGS fo rc e p s ............... 240 trocar universal abdominal ........... 90

FORD BOWLES ......................... . . 5 CORDES forceps ....................... 240 TROELTSCH nasal

PINARD ...................................... . . 5 FRAENKEL forceps ................... 240 dressing forceps ........................ 214

STEVENS iris forceps ................... 187 KEVORKIAN biopsy ................... 296 WILDE ear forceps ..................... 203

lens hook .................................... 182 KRAUSE forceps ....................... 240 TROEMNER hamm e r.....................


needleholder .............................. . 96 LANGE forceps ......................... 240 TROUSSEAU tracheal dilator . . . . 245

tenotomy scissors ..................... . 22 NABATOFF probe o n ly ............... 88 TROUTMAN CHRIS blade breaker . 13

STEVENSON eye speculum ......... 179 ROSENBERG forceps ............... 240 Colibri iris forceps ..................... 189

STIEGLITZ splinter forceps ........... . 38 SCHEINMANN forceps ............. 240 rectus forceps .............................. 191

STILLE bone chisel ....................... 121 SCHUMACHER fo rc e p s ............. 240 tube, ADSON aspirating ................. 171

bone hand drill ........................... 134 SEIFFERT forceps ..................... 240 BRUENINGS extension,

forceps, thumb and tissue ......... . 34 TISCHLER KEVOPRKIAN ......... 294 laryngeal...................................... 240

GIERTZ rib shears ..................... 249 TISCHLER MORGAN ......... 294,296 JACKSON tracheostomy ........... 246

gouge .......................................... 121 TOWNSEND mini ........................ 294 LUER tracheostomy................... 246

HAGLUND plaster spreader . . . . 108 TISCHLER KEVOPRKIAN tip ......... 294 POOLE aspriation .....................


HORSLEY bone cutting forceps . 114 KEVORKIAN punch ................... 295 WAGENER MOSHER ................. 246

LISTON bone cutting forceps . . . 113 MORGAN biopsy

YANKAUER aspiration ............... 8

LUER rongeur............................. 111 specimen fo rce p s ....................... 293 tubing clamps ................................ 58

MAYO scisso rs ........................... . 19 MORGAN tip ..................... 294,296 Tübingen TITAN iris fo rc e p s ........... 191

osteotome .................................. 121 TOWNSEND MORGAN punch .. 294 Tübingen air cannula ..................... 196

pedicle c lam p .............................. . 55 tissue forceps ................................ . 34 Tübingen iris forceps ..................... 191

plaster cast shears ..................... 106 tissue protector f.

Tübingen tying forceps ................. 194

rib shears .................................... 248 cannulated screws ..................... 145 TUFFIER hemostatic fo rc e p s ........ 47

RUSKIN bone rongeur ............... 112 TIVNEN tonsil seizing forceps . . . . 237 rib spreader ................................ 252

SHERMAN bone drill ................. 134 TOBOLD laryngeal

tuning forks ............................ 199,200

STOCKMANN penile c lam p ........... 270 cotton applicator .......................

89 TURNBULL nail n ip p e r................... 307

STONE closing forceps ................. 263 tongue dep ressor....................... 230 TURREL rectal biopsy forceps . . . . 275

WATT intestinal forceps ............. 263 TOENNIS ADSON

twist drill (drill bit) ................... 134,137

WATT locking ferrule ................. 263 neurosurgical scissors ............... 26 TYDING tonsil snare ..................... 238

strabismus s c is so rs ....................... . 22 dura dissector ............................ 169 tonsil seizing forceps ................. 237

STRATTE needleholder ................. . 94 hemostatic forceps ................... 50 UCKERMANN cotton applicator .. . 89

STRAUSS penile clamp ................. 270 needleholder .............................. 94 trocar, tracheostomy ................. 245

rectoscope .................................. 273 OLIVECRONA clip fo rc e p s ......... 166 ULRICH swab forceps ................... 60

stripper, BUNNELL tendon ........... 132 tongs, CRUTCHFIELD traction . . . 167 umbilical cord scissors .................

v e in ..............................................

89 tongue depressor, wood ............... 230 universal wire s c is s o rs ................... 29

STRUEMPEL ear fo rc e p s ............... 204 tonsil injection needles ................. 238 universal seizing forceps ............... 105

STRULLY neurosurgical scissors . . 26 tonsil loops .................................... 237 universal bandage scissors ........... 30

STRUYCKEN nasal fo rc e p s ........... 217 tonsil syringe .................................. 238 universal diagnostic set .................


suture needles ....................... 102,103 tonsillectome, SLUDER BALLENGER . 238 universal wire s c is s o rs ................... 29